New harrowing reports have emerged regarding the involvement of an Afghan asylum seeker’s involvement in rape and attempted murder cases as he is facing trial regarding the rape and murder of the daughter of a European Union official in Germany.
The 22-year-old Hussein Khavari has been charged with the rape and murder of the girl in Germany months after arriving to the country from Greece in 2016.
According to the reports, Khavari was also likely involved in other rape incidents both in Afghanistan and in Greece.
German security officials have told the court that Khavari was charged with the rape and attempted murder of a girl in the Island of Coruf before leaving for Germany.
A Freidburg police officer has said Khavari was arrested after throwing a 20-year-old girl from a cliff following the rape.
The police officer has further added that Khavari was released from the detention in Greece and moved to Germany where he filed an application for asylum.
According to the local media reports, Khavari has pleaded guilty in raping the daughter of a European Union official but denied that he had intentions to kill her, a claim which has been rejected by the court.
There are also reports that Khavari had raped a 12-year-old girl in Afghanistan before heading towards Europe.