The UK has stripped more than 150 criminals and suspected terrorists from their citizenship, out of fear that they would return to Britain after the fall of the Daesh (ISIL) terror group in Iraq and Syria, according to a new report.
British ministers have increased deprivation orders, reported the Sunday Times, noting that more than 40 suspects had their right to a passport removed since the beginning of this year.
Some 30 of those orders had been issued since March, roughly the same time that the terror group's streak of major defeats in Iraq and Syria began, the report added.
Among the ones banned from returning to the UK were militants and the British women who had traveled to Syria as brides, security sources told the Times.
The officials can only take away the citizenship of dual citizens because the law bars them from leaving people stateless.
There's an awful lot of people we have found who will never be coming home again. Our number one preference is to get them on trial. If we don't think that's possible, we use disruption techniques, a security source told the daily.
The UK Home Office revealed last week that it was seeking terrorism prevention and investigation measures (TPIMs) against six suspects that it could not deport or prosecute without breaching their human rights.
TPIMs are a modified form of control orders introduced under the Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005. The government introduced the TPIMs in 2011, after making them more compliant with Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights which protects the right to liberty.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May famously said once that she was willing to change human right laws in order to restrict the freedom and the movements of terrorist suspects.
If human rights laws stop us from doing it, we will change those laws so we can do it, she said in early June.
The UK has been hit with a series of terrorist attacks over the past few months.
London announced in January last year that around 800 Britons had gone to fight with Daesh or other terrorist groups in Syria and Iraq.