Balkh's governor Atta Mohammad Noor on Sunday accused President Ashraf Ghani of monopolizing power and of political autocracy.
He said the country is governed by three or four individuals and that the present administration has failed to fix the economy and provide security to the public.
The government should respond to the people on why the security threats have increased, he said.
There is administrative repression going on, the country is being run by three or four certain individuals, it is not governance but an occupation, they have occupied the leadership, but what we should do with such a situation, said Noor.
Defending the formation of the Coalition to Rescue Afghanistan, he said the coalition was not about toppling government, but instead it wants government to implement systematic reforms in the country and stop what he called a political dictatorship.
The alliance has been formed by General Abdul Rashid Dostum, the First Vice President and head of Junbish-e-Milli party; the CEO's second deputy and head of Hizb-e-Wahdat-e-Islami party, Mohammad Mohaqiq; and northern Balkh governor and CEO of Jamiat-e-Islami party Atta Mohammad Noor along with acting foreign minister Salahuddin Rabbani.
He alleged that the political monopolization by the president has further added to the woes of the nation and has sparked uncertainties.
Noor also accused Ghani of monopolizing big contracts and commissions, saying he should be responsible before the people regarding the matter.
Thieves are those who have got the authority and power and run the special procurement commission, the money is available to them and international partners also pour money into their pockets, said Noor.
Those are hired into jobs who are partner in the contracts with them or partner in the theft of millions of have no the qualification, but they are hired on the request of this or that country, added Noor.
On the issue of Daesh, he said that despite the presence of latest technology and modern weaponries, the increasing activities of Daesh militant group in the country was surprising.
He called the judicial case against Dostum as a political conspiracy and said that Dostum will not be alone.
Noor said that if international community do not respond the demands of the coalition, then the coalition will use all other options to reach its objectives.
He warned that the new coalition will consult anyone for help for reaching its objectives if the international community does not consider the demands of the Coalition to Rescue Afghanistan.
If the government does not reform itself and tyranny continues and also the international partners not take notice of the issue and killing of people continued each day, in that case, we will use all options and will not reject the support of any country who offers us support, warned Noor.
The presidential palace reacts to Noor's allegations:
People expect that all personalities who are in some way annoyed from the current situation of the country offer their alternative, but the important thing is that it is the people of Afghanistan who give judgement on the performance and work of political personalities, said presidential spokesman Shahhussain Murtazawi.