Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Friday said Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, head of Hizb-e-Islami, should be held accountable for what he has done in the past, especially the deeds he committed during the civil war.
Patricia Gossman, a senior researcher of Human Rights Watch in Afghanistan said Hekmatyar, like other warlords, does not feel accountable for what he has done in the past.
Gossman also sharply criticized Hekmatyar's repeated remarks against the media and said the achievements of the past 15 years should be preserved.
Hizb-e-Islami spokesmen have not responded to Gossman's remarks so far, but Hekmatyar twice said in speeches that all past actions should be forgotten.
We should commit to open a new door and forget the past, said Hekmatyar.
Hekmatyar returned to Kabul city on Thursday after 20 years, the city that was partly destroyed by Hekmatyar during the civil war.
Kabul residents meanwhile said people are worried as Hekmatyar's supporters were heavily armed when they welcomed him back to Kabul.
It was worrying, all the people were surprised that this could happen in the city, said Mohammad Gulab, a resident of Kabul.
Before coming to Kabul, they should have agreed with government and should have handed in their weapons. Because they have come with the message of peace, said Sayed Yusuf, another Kabul resident.
They entered the city with lots of weapons and it shouldn't have been like that. They should have submitted their weapons to government, said Tajmir, another resident of Kabul.
On Thursday, a special ceremony was held at the Presidential Palace for Hekmatyar. High-ranking officials along with ex-Jihadi leaders as well as President Ashraf Ghani and CEO Abdullah Abdullah were present. However, the leaders of two parties - Jamiat-e Islami Party and the Islamic Movement of Afghanistan - were noticeably absent.