Two headlines in the Zionist-controlled National Post sum up the Orwellian nature of this week’s phony “wave of terror” in Canada. One headline read: “Conservatives’ new anti-terror laws likely to mirror ‘immensely controversial’ U.K. legislation.” The other said: “Conservatives mulling legislation making it illegal to condone terrorist acts online.” According to the articles, Harper and his deranged neocon colleagues are looking to use the conspicuously timed shooting in Ottawa as an excuse to strengthen the state’s surveillance and police powers. One article reported: “The Conservatives are understood to be considering new legislation that would make it an offence to condone terrorist acts online. … Sources suggest the government is likely to bring in new hate speech legislation that would make it illegal to claim terrorist acts are justified online. The Prime Minister told the House of Commons on Thursday that Canada’s law and policing powers need to be strengthened in the areas of surveillance, detention and arrest. He said work is already under way to provide law enforcement agencies with ‘additional tools’ and that work will now be expedited.” The National Post revealed that Harper’s proposed draconian edicts were prepared in advance: “The Conservative MP said the new legislation was crafted before this week’s events and is not ‘trauma tainted.’” This is reminiscent of America’s freedom-obliterating “Patriot Act,” which was written well in advance of 9/11, and railroaded through Congress a week after the synthetic disaster. None of this is the least bit surprising and was totally predictable. My Non-Aligned Media colleague Joshua Blakeney and I had repeatedly warned readers over the past few weeks that the Canadian government was about to stage an event to justify joining America’s sham crusade against ISIS in Iraq and Syria and to silence dissidents at home. Everything came to pass as predicted. In an October 18 article entitled “Terror-scaremongering designed to erode freedoms, stamp out dissent” I wrote: “As expected, the recent fabricated ISIL terror scare that swept the headlines of Canada’s Zionist-owned media is being used by the neocon regime in Ottawa to give Canada’s spy agency CSIS more sweeping powers to spy on citizens and protect the identities of informants. “The Canadian government’s informants are more than likely responsible for spurring or otherwise concocting the very ‘terror’ plots CSIS claims to have foiled — just like its counterpart in the US has been caught doing time and time again. … Problem, reaction, solution — the Machiavellian methodology never fails. “… Like Canada, Australia and Britain are endeavoring to empower their spook agencies as well as stiffen their fraudulent ‘anti-terror’ laws in the face of phony ISIL ‘terror plots’ that bear all the hallmarks of intelligence psy-ops. That is what the ISIL sham threat is all about — creating a bogus pretext so our governments can strip us of our liberties and stamp out dissent.” The Canadian government and media had been hyping the ISIL ‘terror threat’ for some time, preconditioning the public to accept the inevitability of an attack in the homeland. The true masterminds of the Ottawa attack — where one Canadian reservist soldier was killed — designed it as a mind control mechanism to steer public opinion in favor of the US-led coalition against the ISIL, which Harper signed on to several weeks ago. Harper gave a laughable emotive speech on the day of the shooting, mimicking President George W. Bush’s bombastic rhetoric right after 9/11 (“they hate us for our freedoms,” “this is an attack on our values,” etc.) If anybody hates us for our freedoms, it is our own government which is bending over backwards as I write this to extinguish what pittance of freedom we have left. The government’s “lone gunman” narrative is all too familiar and prototypical of psychological warfare operations of this nature. Evidence has emerged indicating that US and Canadian intelligence had been monitoring both the Ottawa shooting suspect and the Quebec man who allegedly ran over two Canadian soldiers with his car on October 20 for quite some time. Another textbook indication of the manufactured nature of the events this week was revealed by Adrienne Arsenault of the CBC, who reported that the Canadian authorities had been running war games simulating ISIL attacks in Quebec, and “another city” amid the specter of ISIL militants of Canadian origin returning to Canada. Far from being caught by surprise by this week’s dubious attacks, Arsenault told CBC anchor Peter Mansbridge that: “Canadian authorities may have been surprised by the actual incidents but not by the concepts of them. Within the last month we know that the CSIS, the RCMP and the National Security Task Force… ran a scenario that’s akin to a war games exercise if you will where they actually imagined literally an attack in Quebec, followed by an attack in another city, followed by a tip that…‘hey some foreign fighters are coming back from Syria.’ So they were imagining a worst case scenario. We’re seeing elements of that happening right now. … Canadian authorities may talk today in terms of being surprised but we know that this precise scenario has been keeping them up at night for a while.” This follows a pattern of identical occurrences during the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in New York and London, where American and British authorities had been running war games mirroring the actual events that unfolded later in the day. The “drills” seem to be test-runs for the actual attacks. Earlier this year, Edward Snowden revealed that Canadian intelligence was heavily involved in the “Five Eyes” spy apparatus, which is neck-deep in illegal espionage activities against Canadians. It is nonsense to suggest our intelligence agencies weren’t aware of what was coming. This is the standard modus operandi of Western intelligence agencies, who have perpetually used informants to incite ‘terror incidents’ that are utilized by the state to sanction massive military and intelligence budgets and unlimited powers to spy on the citizenry. Niall Bradley of Signs of the Times explained that the infamous ‘Toronto 18’ terror cell that was comprised of 18 hapless adolescents who were accused and convicted of conspiring to commit a wave of terror across Canada in 2006 was entirely led, guided and “handled” by a career CSIS operative named Mubin Shaikh. Without Shaikh, there would have been no ‘Toronto 18.’ Whatever the truth is about the Ottawa shooting, the Harper regime and its Zionist puppet masters are the only ones who stand to gain from it. The timing of it is far too convenient for Harper, who has used it to swing public opinion behind his foolhardy decision to prostitute Canada’s military for Obama’s fraudulent campaign against the ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Everybody in the know understands that the ISIL — much like its Orwellian predecessor al-Qaeda — is the CIA’s Frankenstein monster, armed, trained, funded and deployed by Western and Israeli secret services. The ISIL is the West and the West is the ISIL. So whatever terrorism is blamed on the ISIL, our governments ultimately stand behind it.