Dominic Cummings (L) appears to be intent on destroying the reputation and career of his former boss Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson’s former chief strategist, Dominic Cummings, has launched yet another attack on his old boss by dismissing him as a natural liar who dislikes hard work.
In a post to paying subscribers to his Substack website, Cummings said Johnson lies so blatantly, so naturally, so regularly that he sees no real distinction with the truth.
This is Cummings second all-out attack on the PM in as many months. Back in late May Cummings launched a visceral criticism of all aspects of the PM’s Covid-19 pandemic management strategy.
In his latest blog post, Cummings claims Johnson regularly admits it’s ludicrous he’s prime minister.
The PM is hopeless at bureaucratic infighting and routinely says and does things so foolish that people are open-mouthed, Cummings wrote.
For his part, Cummings claims he knew that Johnson was in any objective sense, unfit to be PM, when he agreed to become his senior advisor and chief strategist in summer 2019.
Cummings goes further with the incendiary claim that Johnson’s ignorance of Whitehall and his desire to enjoy himself rather than work hard provided a very weird opportunity to force through certain important things that the system left to itself won’t do.
Precisely because he doesn’t know what he’s doing, we may be able to get him to agree things ’the system’ will think are ’extreme’ but we think are necessary, Cummings suggests.
Cummings also tries to justify his former association with Johnson by claiming that without his and his colleagues’ help the Tories would have failed to resolve the constitutional crisis pursuant to the Brexit referendum in June 2016.