Sajid Javid, the British Chancellor, has declared his commitment to enforcing a digital services tax on large American owned tech firms, such as Google and Facebook, stirring tensions between the US and UK governments, whilst the UK is preparing to enter into a post-brexit period of uncertainty.
If the UK government does introduce taxes upon internet giants, it could result in a trade war between the United States and the UK, something that some people here are feeling a little bit anxious about, if the consequences were to be dire.
The Trump administration in the United States has already threatened to apply taxes on British car companies, which has stoked anger on the streets of the British capital.
With British Premier Boris Johnson currently appearing close to US President Donald, in the perceived hope of achieving a groundbreaking trade deal with the US, the current crisis may prove to drive a wedge between the two allies.
As Britain approaches its expected departure from the European Union, it is being perceived that to challenge the United States over such an issue, is to be politically naive after the US’s unpredictable attitude towards such actions. Trade war or no trade war, Boris Johnson is going to need the United States following his withdrawal from the EU.